Readers, whether you've come here to read or just because you were bored and looking for some random insight -Enjoy

Friday, October 21, 2011

4) Just a word on Women

Things women like to hear when they are upset.
1. "Let's go out."
2. "You look gorgeous."
3. "Honey, you're the smartest person I know."
4. "Don't worry about the dishes I'll take care of it."

Things women don't want to hear when they're upset.
1. "I had a really hard day."
2. "Babe, the games almost over..."
3. "We'll go out later this week?"
4. "Does the dress make you look fat?"
           To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. More things women don't want to hear when they're upset:

    "Hey, can I go to Jeff's house?"
    "Can you get me some ice cream?"
    "We need more groceries."
    "Well, I'm really busy, I have to go."

    P.S. I fed your fish A LOT, I don't think they need more food
